I can't believe it's been nearly two months since I wrote a blog post! The summer has flown by and as our mini makers and their parents think about getting back to school I want to hang on to the last few weeks of the summer. It has been a fantastic few months helped massively by the general good weather….well except for the Hen weekend in the UK when we got very wet at Newmarket races.
We have hit some pretty incredible milestones this summer. The biggest being our 1st birthday which we celebrated in great style. It was a beautifully sunny day as it has been on the 1st of August for the last few years. We had a brilliant party which was helped hugely by the presence of West Mayo Brewery. We raised €600 for Cystic Fibrosis West with tea, coffee, cake and beer, I was touched by people's generosity and their help with cakes, prizes etc
Tom was on hand being a very good husband and seemed not to mind that once again our wedding anniversary was overshadowed by my small but expanding business. He had been working hard to get everything ready and I am very grateful.
Oh yes and we have expanded. We now have a furniture and vintage room upstairs and a new workshop and store room. Our challenge now is to paint furniture fast enough as this has proved very popular so far.
However my proudest moment over the summer was at the Erris Agricultural Fair. I was very proud of how the dogs behaved but was delighted to see one of our mini makers had entered her apron from the sewing class in the show and won 1st prize. Well done to her and all the other.
We had lots of our makers in doing what they do best and showing off their crafts and we had a great day at the Heritage Fair and Fair Day.
Wow after all that surely it must be time to put my feet up….well for 5 mins anyway. I am currently working on our course schedule for the autumn. You're going to love it!