Sunday, February 22, 2015

They can't copy what really matters - thank you

It's been a strange week. I started the week a bit down in the dumps. I know that they say imitation is the highest form of flattery but it can be a little exhausting coming up with new things all the time when people copy your ideas. Don't get me wrong - there is never a shortage of new ideas. As someone said to me this week I don't know how you do it, your brian never switches off. Maybe not but the plus side it's full of lots of new ideas waiting in reserve. 

At a weak moment I posted a little something on Facebook and in the morning I felt a little embarrassed but it helped me realise that the ideas and products I have are just a small part of LĂșnasa.   

We have an array of supplies who we know by name and who put a little love into each of our handmade products. 
We have amazing customers who love our individual style and our unique products.
We have creative people who bring sunshine to our little store when they attend our courses. 
We have those who like our store so much they let us celebrate their birthday or special occasion with them.  
We have an array of mini makers who come and get stuck in every week.
And we have those groups in the community that invite us to share our creativity with them. 

I had a flood of lovely comments, texts and genuine concern from all of these people and it made me realise I am part of a community that makes me feel valued for doing something I love and for that I am very grateful. 

People can copy our products and ideas but they can't copy our vision and our passion..…and whatever they do they can't copy your enthusiasm for all things handmade. 

Thank you for your continued support 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Radio Silence

Testing, Testing…..It turns out we had a bit of a technology melt down but every cloud…..

Having just got the laptop repaired after coffee gate our new printer bust and we've had very little internet this week so there has been a bit of radio silence. Frustrating as it was I found that instead of surfing the net and replying to the mental number of emails, texts and Facebook messages I get I had to find other things to do. That has never been a problem for me. 

Workflow in the nerve centre
So I got a few more jobs done around the house. I organised the utility. I used to work for Boots opticians and there was a big thing called workflow. It looked at the jobs that you do and how many steps you take to complete them. A bit excessive for the utility you may think but no. I actually moved the dryer, made Tom move all his fishing gear and tools and got 4 laundry bags, whites, colour, darks and woollens. Now doing the washing is a lot less hassle and I have shelves to put the clothes on waiting to be ironed (or not as the case often is).

My Project
I also spent some time on one of my projects. I want to organise myself so that I can work at home but it doesn't take over. I like sitting at the kitchen table to work. The view out the window is always a good destruction and an inspiration at the same time. I can get my endless supply of tea and the dogs seem to settle in their beds. I don't however like taking over the kitchen. So I had a good sort out of my paper used the drawers I'd emptied by getting rid of more clothes and used them as a filing cabinet. Stylish and practical! I recycled a basket I got with a Christmas hamper as a sort of in tray for house stuff and I got it all organised. 

I tackled the bathroom next. In fairness this didn't need too much organisation - I just needed to put everything back in it place. I got some of that daily shower spray in the hope that the next time I need to clean it it won't take so long - I'll keep up posted about that. 

TLC in the living room
I gave the living room a good clean and I've got to say when I moved the sofa I was a little shocked. Turns out a lot of dust gathers under there! I cleaned behind all the cushions and decluttered. Now the only thing I have on the coffee table is the fabulous book on Wakes by a local guy so I can impress any visitors. 

But it turns out I had a bit of a media blackout as well. In getting my jobs done I didn't even watch TV so Sunday Tom went to golf and then I encouraged him to go to the pub to watch the footy. I spent the day enjoying the fruits of my labour. I lit the fire early in the morning and spent the day catching up on Emmerdale and reading my book. It has been a long time since I just spent time relaxing in the house. 

So I'm ploughing on with my home therapy. Someone text and mentioned that yesterday was the first day of spring. I know that the Celtic calendar put is as the 1st f Feb but winter has always run from December to the end of Feb for me. Many a year I remember snow for my birthday at the end of the month and so my spring doesn't start until the 1st of March. That give me one more month to get my home in ship shape before one big spring clean and then it'll be time to start tacking the garden!