Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's all go at the co-op

It's a silly expression, maybe it's from an old advert or something, my dad used to say it sometimes when things were really busy….and boy have we been busy.

It feels like it's been non stop since we got back from our holiday and this is suppose to be our quiet time!  And I suppose you are wondering what we are at……

Well the most exciting this is we've been working on the rest of the building and 'phase 2' is almost complete. As you've passed you may have seen or heard the workmen hard at it. They will be gone this week and then we will be hard at it getting it ready to open. The room downstairs will give us more space to display our wares and space for the drop in sessions that are really taking off lately. (More on that next week) As news of the shop has spread we have had more crafters approach us and now stock over 30 regular suppliers from around Mayo. It's great to see the talent that is out there and we are delighted to be able to give them a chance to showcase and sell their work. 

We've done a bit of work on our upstairs workshop and that will hopefully be complete this week as well. We are now one of only 11 stockists of the amazing Autentico chalk paint. I've been waiting for this to be available in Ireland and now it is I didn't hang about. And the furniture seems to be flying out quicker that we can paint it so we have dedicated space to create our masterpieces. So you can come up and see what we are working on next. 

The other project that is underway is our new website. It's still work in progress but should be 'live' by the end of the month with some of our lovely products and we will be adding m more as we go along. 

I haven't been doing all this alone. We were recently joined by Mollie Henry who is working full time in the shop. She is bringing her creative talents to help us as we embark on all our new adventures. She did the new 'Made in Mayo' window packed with all the great stuff crafted round the county. 

Our Holiday courses for Easter were fully booked for the two weeks. It was great to have the sunshine for the two weeks and we had a bit of fun outside in the back yard. We are busy trying to get some new courses for the Autumn to get your creative juices flowing in ways you never knew possible!

Well better get back to it. I'll tell you more about our Phase 3 next week and the new extended drop in sessions.  


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